Russia-experts start soul-searching after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Platform Raam

Raam op Rusland: In 2016 president Putin unveiled in front of the Kremlin the controversial monument of ruler of Kievan Rus Volodymyr the Great' in an attempt to make Ukrainian and Russian history united. Photo:
Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and Putin’s denial of Ukraine statehood forces scholars to rethink Slavic, East European and Eurasian studies. Many experts believe that the academic field is too ‘Russo-centric’ while other countries like Ukraine are misunderstood because of a lack of attention. For Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Todd Prince cites different experts who argue in favor of decolonizing the curriculum.
Read the full article here.

Platform Raam
RAAM aims to deepen knowledge in the Netherlands about political, social and cultural developments in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as they are of essential (geo)political significance for the European democratic legal order.